Web Attack
Surface Management

Discover your public web applications.

Follow your security exposure over time.

Focus on key weaknesses.

Reduce significantly scanning and pentesting.

Analyze your website
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Identify technologies

Monitor Changes

Continuously detect and track web application technology changes with real-time alerts on new vulnerabilities, new technologies, new versions, and revised ratings.

No more blind spots on exposed web application components thanks to a continuous technology knowledge update.

Learn more Identify technologies

Drive Assessment Strategy

Dynamically build smart security classification to help you in selecting web applications that require deeper security consideration and assessment.

Automated and real time updated security assessment priority to cover continuously moving threats and technologies.

Select your plan

Identify technologies

Analyze your web applications in seconds to detect hidden, layered and embedded technical components with versions.

Easily identify unsafe components and up-to-date CVE list for detected versions for a lightning fast security overview of your web applications.

How it works
Identify technologies Identify technologies

They trust Purplemet

Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Paris - AP-HP
Bureau Veritas
Council of Europe

Actionable security insights for your web applications

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