
Purplemet Cloud 1.12.0 New Features


November 24, 2021



min read

Updates and new features

Purplemet Cloud 1.12.0 is now available! This new version features several updates and enhancements compared to the previous version, as described hereafter.

Dashboard filtering by tags

The tags are really useful to create groups of web applications and now you'll be able to filter your dashboard by tags to have the security overview of your groups.

Purplemet Cloud Dashboard filtering by tags

Tag based report

When generating a report for your web applications, one or more tags can be selected to focus the report to specific groups of web applications.

Purplemet Cloud tag based report

Import and launch

After your web applications import you can easily select which tags to assign and then directly start an analysis for all imported web applications.

Purplemet Cloud import and launch

CVSS details

The score and the vector for CVSS v2 and CVSS v3 are now displayed with all needed details related to the detected CVEs.

Purplemet Cloud import and launch

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