
Purplemet Cloud 1.19.0 New Features


December 4, 2023



min read

Updates and new features

Purplemet Cloud 1.19.0 is now available! This new version features several updates and enhancements compared to the previous version, as described hereafter.

CVE prioritization

In the CVE remediation dashboard, the CVE prioritization matrix highlights the KEV vulnerabilities to help you during your remediation effort.

Purplemet Cloud CVE prioritization

Vulnerability widgets

The top 10 CVEs widget and the KEV widget display the affected technology.

Purplemet Cloud top 10 CVE widget
Purplemet Cloud KEV widget

Web application status

The web application status is provided with more details. You have now two new columns with the date and the number of analyses since the last status change. The two new fields are also available with the API.

Purplemet Cloud last status information

Notification email

Tags related to the web applications are provided in the notification email.

Purplemet Cloud notification email

Multi-factor authentication enforcement

Administrator users can now enforce multi-factor authentication for all users of their organization. Users who have not yet activated MFA will need to configure it at next login.

Purplemet Cloud MFA enforcement

BETA Feature - Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On authentication method is now enabled on Purplemet platform as a BETA feature. Once enabled, Administrator users can integrate Purplemet with any SAML 2.0 compliant SSO Identity Provider (IdP) like Microsoft Entra, Google Workspace, Okta, PingOne and more, allowing users to sign-in using the federated identity solution set by their organization.

This feature is only available to our customers who have expressed interest in testing it prior to its official public release. If you wish to participate and benefit from the Single Sign-On functionality right now, please send an email to and we will be pleased to add you to the BETA phase.

Account activation reminder

An email is sent to the users who have not enabled their account yet. The administrators can also resend the account activation email to a user.

Purplemet Cloud activation email

API updates

  • Web Applications - New lastStatusSince and lastStatusAnalysisCnt properties are now included in Site schema and available when collecting the list of web applications or getting details of a single web application.
  • Subscription - New license.comments property is now available in the GET /subscription response, containing additional licensing information that Purplemet may have provided for your knowlegde.

Additional updates

  • Activation emails can now be sent again by the Administrator users.
  • Multi-factor authentication can be reset by the administrator.
  • Web application Verifying status has been changed to Checking.
  • Link in Changes Detected in Domains email now redirects users directly to domains Changes tab
  • License comments and information are available in the subscription section.

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