Purplemet Cloud 1.5.0 New Features
Updates and new features
This release of Purplemet Cloud 1.5.0 includes updates and new features described in this article.
CWE support
Detected CVE issues for a web application are now provided with details about the related CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration). You can see the CWE ID, its name and a short description of this vulnerability category. If you click the CWE entry you directly access the CWE ID Mitre page.
Unsafe component description
An unsafe component could have an impact on the web application security, you have to understand what is the risk and how to mitigate it. Now, each unsafe component provides a description of the risk and a workaround to cover it.
Change severity
Change monitoring view has been enhanced to provide the severity level when a new CVE is detected. You can quickly and easily spot changes with highest impact on your web applications security.